coma test 1         


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coma patient therapy or treatment in movement



Quality of Life after coma

It will not hurt if the patient in coma is moved with love and patience and one has come into movement oneself by doing so.

What care is needed to give the life of the coma or ex-coma patient the highest quality possible? What measures must be taken for that?

As the patient in coma can not move visibly without help, an electrical wheelchair with standing possibility is a very effective aid, especially if the mental activity of the patient is used to move the wheelchair.

This measure has the most effect if, immediately after the diagnose 'patient in coma' was given, an electrical wheelchair with standing possibility that is prepared for him, is given to him.

To get optimal effect of this wheelchair, there must, at the beginning, be enough servants to help the patient to change the position of the chair so the postural tension of the patient can normalize.

This tension will normalize when the patient moves. If the patient lies in the bed for two hours without being able to move and is helped into another position every two hours, it will not be possible for him to get a normal tension.

Moreover it is much more difficult to move lieing in the bed, so it is important to help the patient out of the bed as soon as possible. If he has an electrical wheelchair with standing possibility in use, it is much easier for everybody around him (family, nursing personel a.s.o. to help the patient in another position.

Every small change in position gives the postural tension the stimulation to change. Human being does not sit still for a minute, but is always moving some part of his body and that is the normal situation.

By making the patient to change position a lot through the electrical chair whose back, feet and arm can be moved so the whole position can be changed, the patient will be able to move more as being moved gives the possibility to move if the speed and movements that are made are based on the neurological problems that the patient has.

If the movements are made too fast, the patient will not be able to follow them and will not find them in his movement remembrance. The child that once has learned to cycle and has not done that in the 50 years after, will still be able to cycle, but may have difficulties with the balance or cycling and paying attention to the traffic at the same time.

For a patient in coma it is top sports to remember a movement ánd make this movement at the same time. The muscle power is oft low, so help to start will be needed that starts the movement and it is also possible that aid to move is also needed to make the movement keep going.

When a movement will be made, the patient must first be told what movement will be made so he can search for it in his moving remembrance and when he has found it, he will try to make the movement what can be felt if the movement is made as an active guided movement.

The Coma Science Group has proved scientifically that patients in coma have mental activity and that patients with a colourful brain scan have a better prognose than patient in coma whose brain scan is full of grey colours.

One can wonder if the grey colour scan will get coloured if these patient would be moved day and night. Not with spasm stimulating movements or movements that try to break the high tension and cause visibly pain for the patient, but fluent movements in a speed that is enjoyable for the patient what can be felt because it can be made with just little effort for the therapist.

By giving up the idea that the patient in coma or ex-coma patient is in a low awareness state or a non-responsive awakesyndrome and having the goal to help the patient to get into movement, one will not wait until the patient reacts visibly on orders to move him, but the patient will get the possibility to move and it will be respected that there are movements that should not be made with him.

If we are convinced that the possible awareness disorder is not important for getting aware and being able to show pain and the need of movement, a gray scan will be the reason to change the treatment that is given and more attention will be given to guided movements and to find a way to communicate.

A movement that is not visible can be felt and used for communication.

If we are aware that the patient in coma/(ex)-coma patient has an active awareness and that the state of coma is not a neurological problem (what can be conclude because the neurological treatments do not have the wanted result), no visible reaction will be expected from the patient.

Dependend on the neurological damage can be expected a certain movement possibility and, by moving the patient with this knowledge, the chance that the patient will be able to move is big.

By researching what ALTERNATIVES of treatment there are, and what EXPERIENCES of practice there are, there is a big chance that will be discovered that a change of treatment gives another result than is expected.


De onbeweeglijkheid van patiënt in coma veranderen in beweging

Change the immobility of the patient in coma into movement

Ändere die Unbeweglichkeit des Patienten im Wachkoma in Bewegung

Change l'immobilité du patient comateux mouvant

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